This site is a digital copy of the 1997 BMC guidebook to rock climbing in Lancashire

Parson`s Buttress

  • 13 - The Verger

    Grade: | First Ascent: -1996
    Rating: 0

    Gain the base of a shallow flaky groove in the centre of the buttress, then finish up the wall above.

  • 14 - The Parson`s Nose

    Grade: | First Ascent: -1986
    Rating: 0

    Start just right of the nose itself, at an obvious flake which allows a strenuous pull on to easier-angled rock. Finish up the flake crack above.

  • 15a - Bish`s Corner

    Grade: | First Ascent: -2000
    Rating: 0

    Climb the deep corner and step right at the top.

  • 15 - Bish`s Tipple

    Grade: 4a | First Ascent: -1986
    Rating: 1

    To the left is a mass of ivy and a deep corner. Climb the right wall of the corner and the left edge of the narrow upper wall.

  • 15b - Bish`s Rib

    Grade: | First Ascent: -2000
    Rating: 0

    Climb diagonally left across the left wall of the corner to reach a rib then finish up an obvious left-slanting flake crack.